A painting shows a city's bridge with citizens filling the street.

Pont Neuf, Paris
by Auguste Renoir

Courtesy National Gallery of Art,

What did the artist most likely do to create this piece of art?
(1 point)

had no prior knowledge of perspective
had no prior knowledge of perspective

investigated the scenery before painting it
investigated the scenery before painting it

chose the colors that were pleasing rather than accurate
chose the colors that were pleasing rather than accurate

omitted the use of proportion to keep the image interesting

The correct response is: chose the colors that were pleasing rather than accurate.

Based on the information provided, the artist most likely investigated the scenery before painting it.

To answer this question, we can analyze the painting and consider the techniques commonly used by artists. In order to create a realistic representation of a city's bridge with citizens filling the street, the artist likely employed several artistic practices. Here are the explanations for each option given:

1. Had no prior knowledge of perspective: Perspective is a fundamental concept used by artists to create the illusion of depth and three-dimensionality in a two-dimensional artwork. It is highly unlikely that the artist had no prior knowledge of perspective, as it is a fundamental skill taught in art education.

2. Investigated the scenery before painting it: Before creating a painting, artists often study and observe the subject they intend to depict. This includes observing the scenery, composition, and details to capture a realistic representation. Therefore, it is highly probable that the artist investigated the scenery before painting it.

3. Chose the colors that were pleasing rather than accurate: Artists make choices regarding color palettes based on their personal preferences and the aesthetic goals of the artwork. While Renoir might have selected colors that were pleasing to him, it is important to note that the accuracy of colors is also an important consideration for many artists, especially when depicting real-life scenes.

4. Omitted the use of proportion to keep the image interesting: Proportion refers to the relative size and scale of objects within a composition. It is a crucial element in creating an aesthetically balanced and realistic artwork. In this painting, the artist likely used proportion to accurately depict the city bridge and its surrounding elements, as opposed to intentionally omitting it to keep the image interesting.

Based on the options provided, the most plausible answer would be that the artist investigated the scenery before painting it.