When Canada’s government puts a limit on how much American wheat and barley it will import this year, it is imposing which type of trade barrier?(1 point) Responses opportunity cost opportunity cost quota quota tariff tariff embargo


When Canada's government puts a limit on how much American wheat and barley it will import this year, it is imposing a quota, which is a type of trade barrier.

When Canada's government limits the amount of American wheat and barley it will import this year, it is imposing a quota, which is a type of trade barrier. A quota is a quantitative restriction imposed by a government on the amount or value of a particular good that can be imported or exported within a specified period. In this case, Canada is setting a limit on the quantity of wheat and barley it will allow to be imported from the United States. By doing so, Canada aims to control the amount of foreign agricultural products entering its market and protect its domestic producers from foreign competition.