Joanna walked 3,000 steps in 24 hours yesterday. How many steps did she walk in 10 hours?

To find out how many steps Joanna walked in 10 hours, we can set up a proportion.

Let x be the number of steps Joanna walked in 10 hours.

We know that steps/time = steps/time

So, we can set up the following equation:

3000 steps / 24 hours = x steps / 10 hours

To solve for x, we can cross multiply:

24 * x = 3000 * 10

24x = 30000

Dividing both sides by 24:

x = 30000 / 24

x ≈ 1250

Therefore, Joanna walked approximately 1250 steps in 10 hours.

To find out how many steps Joanna walked in 10 hours, we can use a proportional relationship. We know that Joanna walked 3,000 steps in 24 hours.

To set up the proportion, we need to consider the ratio of hours to steps walked. In this case, the ratio is set up as 24 hours to 3,000 steps.

To find out how many steps Joanna walked in 10 hours, we set up the proportion:

24 hours / 3,000 steps = 10 hours / x steps

To solve for x, we cross-multiply and then divide:

24 * x = 10 * 3,000
24x = 30,000
x = 30,000 / 24
x = 1,250

Therefore, Joanna walked 1,250 steps in 10 hours.

To find out how many steps Joanna walked in 10 hours, we can use a proportion.

The ratio of steps to hours is constant, so we can set up a proportion as follows:

3,000 steps / 24 hours = x steps / 10 hours

To find the value of x, we can cross-multiply and solve for x:

3,000 * 10 = 24 * x

30,000 = 24x

Divide both sides of the equation by 24:

30,000 / 24 = x

x = 1250

Therefore, Joanna walked 1,250 steps in 10 hours.