Multiple Choice

In a Baroque da capo movement, it is customary to improvise ornaments during which section?
(1 point)

the first A section
the first A section

the B section
the B section

the second A section
the second A section

none of the above
none of the above

the second A section

In a Baroque da capo movement, it is customary to improvise ornaments during the first A section.

To answer this multiple-choice question, we need to understand what a Baroque da capo movement is and how it is structured.

A Baroque da capo movement is a musical form commonly used during the Baroque period (approximately 1600-1750). It consists of three sections labeled A, B, and A. The term "da capo" means "from the beginning," indicating that the piece returns to the beginning after the B section.

In a da capo movement, it is customary to improvise ornaments during the first A section. These ornaments are additional decorative musical embellishments that can be added to the melody or harmony. Therefore, the correct answer to the question is:

- the first A section

So, the answer would be "the first A section."