Which is an example of an unhealthy way to manage stress?

(1 point)

exercising until you feel exhausted
exercising until you feel exhausted

smoking a pack of cigarettes
smoking a pack of cigarettes

texting with a close friend
texting with a close friend

practicing the piano

smoking a pack of cigarettes

Smoking a pack of cigarettes is an example of an unhealthy way to manage stress.

An example of an unhealthy way to manage stress is smoking a pack of cigarettes. To determine this, you need to understand what constitutes healthy stress management. Healthy stress management involves engaging in activities that promote relaxation, release of tension, and overall well-being. Smoking cigarettes, on the other hand, is a harmful and addictive behavior that can lead to serious health problems. It does not address the underlying causes of stress and can potentially create additional stressors. Therefore, smoking a pack of cigarettes is not an effective or healthy way to manage stress.