Which of the following describes a stressed syllable

A stressed syllable is pronounced with more emphasis or force than the surrounding syllables in a word or phrase.

A stressed syllable is a syllable in a word that is emphasized or pronounced with more force or length compared to other syllables in the same word. It is typically spoken louder or with a higher pitch. Stressed syllables can affect the rhythm and pronunciation of a word or sentence.

To determine which of the following describes a stressed syllable, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the syllables: Start by breaking down the word into its separate syllables. A syllable is a unit of sound that contains a vowel sound. For example, the word "elephant" has three syllables: "el-e-phant."

2. Determine stress: Listen to the word and try to notice any differences in the emphasis or loudness of the syllables. A stressed syllable is typically pronounced with more force or prominence compared to unstressed syllables.

3. Compare options: Evaluate each of the following options and determine which one accurately describes a stressed syllable:
a) Syllable with more force or emphasis
b) Syllable pronounced louder or more prominently
c) Syllable that carries the main beat or rhythm of a word

By considering these steps, you should be able to determine which option best describes a stressed syllable.