In an archaeological investigation of modern-day Mexico City, which of the following could archaeologists possibly discover? (1 point)

• Machu Picchu
• colonial Catholic churches
• remnants of temples from Tenochtitlán
• the Coricancha

remnants of temples from Tenochtitlán

In an archaeological investigation of modern-day Mexico City, archaeologists could possibly discover remnants of temples from Tenochtitlán and colonial Catholic churches.

To determine which of the following options could archaeologists possibly discover in an archaeological investigation of modern-day Mexico City, let's examine each option:

1. Machu Picchu: Machu Picchu is a famous Incan archaeological site, but it is not located in modern-day Mexico City. It is actually situated in Peru. Therefore, it is highly unlikely for archaeologists to discover Machu Picchu in Mexico City.

2. Colonial Catholic churches: Mexico City has a rich colonial history, and there are numerous colonial Catholic churches in the city. These churches were built during the Spanish colonial era and represent an important aspect of the city's history and religious heritage. So, it is entirely possible for archaeologists to discover remnants or evidence of these colonial Catholic churches.

3. Remnants of temples from Tenochtitlán: Tenochtitlán was the capital city of the Aztec empire, located in the area that is now Mexico City. The city was known for its grand temples and vibrant culture. Although much of the city was destroyed during the Spanish conquest, some remnants of the temples could still be preserved underground. Archaeologists have indeed made important discoveries from the Aztec period in Mexico City, including the Templo Mayor.

4. The Coricancha: The Coricancha, also known as the Temple of the Sun, is an Incan religious site located in Cusco, Peru. Similar to Machu Picchu, it is not found in Mexico City. Therefore, it is highly unlikely for archaeologists to discover the Coricancha in Mexico City.

From the given options, archaeologists could potentially discover colonial Catholic churches as well as remnants of temples from Tenochtitlán in an archaeological investigation of modern-day Mexico City.