Who is the notable character that refuses to go to the trial? Why does this character not want to go?

Based on the given information, there could be various notable characters in different contexts or stories who refuse to go to trial. Therefore, it is essential to clarify the specific context or story you are referring to in order to provide an accurate answer. Can you please provide more details or specify the context?

The notable character that refuses to go to the trial is Tom Robinson from the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. Tom Robinson, a black man, is accused of raping a white woman in a racially charged society. He does not want to go to the trial because he believes that he will not receive a fair trial due to prevalent racism and prejudice.

One notable character that refuses to go to the trial is Tom Robinson in the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. Tom Robinson, an African American man, does not want to go to the trial because he is aware of the racial prejudice and bias of the time, and he believes that he will not receive a fair trial due to his race. He fears that no matter the evidence or facts presented, the jury will always view him negatively simply because he is black. Therefore, he chooses not to participate in a trial that he believes is already stacked against him.