Find the cubic root of 189.(1 point)


3 ^3√7
3 root index 3 start root 7 end root

27 ^3√7
27 root index 3 start root 7 end root

9 ^3√21
9 root index 3 start root 21 end root


The cubic root of 189 is:


To find the cubic root of 189, you can simplify it by using the "^" symbol to indicate the root of a number. In this case, you are looking for the cubic root, which means finding the number that, when multiplied by itself three times, gives you 189.

So the correct answer is:

^3√189 or 189^(1/3)

To find the cubic root of 189, you can use a calculator or follow these steps:

1. Start with an estimated number. Let's choose 5 for simplicity.

2. Cube the estimated number. 5^3 = 125.

3. Compare the result with the original number. 125 is less than 189.

4. Increase the estimated number to refine the approximation. Let's try 6 this time.

5. Cube the new estimated number. 6^3 = 216.

6. Compare the new result with the original number. 216 is greater than 189.

7. Now, take the previous estimated number (6) and the current estimated number (5) and find the average. (6 + 5) / 2 = 5.5.

8. Cube the average. 5.5^3 ≈ 166.375.

9. Compare the new result with the original number. 166.375 is less than 189.

10. Repeat steps 7-9, using the previous estimated number (5.5) and the current estimated number (6).

11. Keep repeating steps 7-9 until you find a close approximation.

By following these steps, you will find that the cubic root of 189 is approximately 5.973.