how do you write 4 is to 16 as 12 is to 48 as a proportion and fractional notation do not simplify your answer

The proportion "4 is to 16 as 12 is to 48" can be written as:

4/16 = 12/48

In fractional notation, the proportion can be written as:

(4/16) = (12/48)

To write the proportion "4 is to 16 as 12 is to 48," we compare the first ratio (4 to 16) with the second ratio (12 to 48).

Proportion in ratio form: 4:16 = 12:48

Proportion in fraction form: 4/16 = 12/48

Therefore, the proportion can be written as either "4:16 = 12:48" or "4/16 = 12/48".

To write "4 is to 16 as 12 is to 48" as a proportion, we need to set up a ratio of the first pair of numbers (4 to 16) equal to the ratio of the second pair of numbers (12 to 48).

Using the formula for a proportion, we can represent this as:
4/16 = 12/48

To write it in fractional notation, we can express the fractions in their simplest form without simplification:
1/4 = 1/4

Thus, the proportion "4 is to 16 as 12 is to 48" can be represented as:
4/16 = 12/48
Or in fractional notation:
1/4 = 1/4