Which phrase describes a context clue?

a words or phrase in a text that helps the reader determine the meaning of a word
b words or phrases in a text that help the reader determine where to find the definition of a word
c resources that help the reader determine the origin of a word
d resources that help the reader determine the prounciation of a word

a words or phrase in a text that helps the reader determine the meaning of a word

The correct answer is option A: A context clue is a word or phrase in a text that helps the reader determine the meaning of a word. Context clues are pieces of information within a passage that can assist readers in understanding the definition or concept of an unfamiliar word. These clues can be found through various means, such as synonyms, antonyms, examples, or explanations given in the surrounding text. By analyzing the context, readers can derive the intended meaning of a word even if they are unfamiliar with it.

The correct answer is: a words or phrase in a text that helps the reader determine the meaning of a word.