H) Question 8: Which form of the verb estar would you use with the pronoun "we"? (1 point)


The correct form of the verb estar to use with the pronoun "we" is estamos.

The form of the verb "estar" that you would use with the pronoun "we" is "estamos".

To determine which form of the verb estar to use with the pronoun "we," you need to conjugate the verb estar in the present tense.

To conjugate estar in the present tense, follow these steps:
1. Start with the infinitive form of the verb: estar.
2. Remove the -ar ending, leaving you with the stem est-.
3. Add the appropriate ending for the pronoun "we," which is -amos.

So, the correct form of the verb estar to use with the pronoun "we" is estamos. Therefore, the answer to the question is "estamos."