Ben is solving the equation 5x -1 = 19 He says that first, he will subtract 1 from both sides and then multiply both sides by 5. Explain Ben's error and solve for the correct answer for x show all steps and answer like a 12 year old girl

Ben's error is that he reversed the order of the operations. Instead, he should have multiplied both sides by 5 first and then subtracted 1.

Here's how you can solve it correctly using the correct order:

Step 1: Multiply both sides by 5
5x - 1 = 19
5 * (5x - 1) = 19 * 5
25x - 5 = 95

Step 2: Add 5 to both sides
25x - 5 + 5 = 95 + 5
25x = 100

Step 3: Divide both sides by 25
25x/25 = 100/25
x = 4

So the correct answer is x = 4.

Aw, Ben made a little mistake there! Let's help him out and solve the equation correctly together.

Original equation: 5x -1 = 19

Step 1: Ben said to subtract 1 from both sides. So let's do that:

5x - 1 - 1 = 19 - 1
5x - 2 = 18

Great job, we took 1 away from both sides!

Step 2: Now, Ben said to multiply both sides by 5. But, actually we need to divide both sides by 5 because we want to get x alone on one side of the equation. Let's do that:

(5x - 2) ÷ 5 = 18 ÷ 5
(x - 2/5) = 3.6

Awesome! We divided both sides by 5 like geniuses!

Final step: We need to find the value of x, so let's get rid of the -2/5 next to x. We can do that by adding 2/5 to both sides:

(x - 2/5) + 2/5 = 3.6 + 2/5
x = 3.6 + 2/5

Coolio! We added 2/5 to both sides!

Now, to get our answer in simplest form, let's add 3.6 and 2/5 together. We can convert 3.6 into a fraction as 3 3/5:

x = 3 3/5 + 2/5
x = 18/5 + 2/5
x = 20/5

Ta-da! We have the final answer: x = 4.

Keep up the great work! Math can be fun when we take it step-by-step, just like we did together!

Well, Ben made a little mistake in his approach to solve the equation. Let me explain it to you step by step, like a 12-year-old girl!

Step 1: The original equation is 5x - 1 = 19. Our goal is to find the value of x.

Step 2: First, we want to get rid of the -1 on the left side of the equation. So, we need to add 1 to both sides.

5x - 1 + 1 = 19 + 1

Step 3: When we add 1 to -1, it becomes 0 because 1 + (-1) equals 0.

So, we have:

5x = 20

Step 4: Now, we need to find the value of x. Since 5x means 5 multiplied by x, to "undo" this multiplication, we need to divide both sides by 5.

5x ÷ 5 = 20 ÷ 5

Step 5: When we divide 5x by 5, the 5s cancel out and we are left with just x.

x = 4

Therefore, the correct answer is x = 4.