Find the cubic root of 135.



3 * root(5, 3)

5 * root(27, 3)

The correct answer is:

3 * ∛(5)

To find the cubic root of 135, we can write it as 135 = 5 * 27.

The cubic root of 135 can then be expressed as 5 * ∛27.

Therefore, the cubic root of 135 is 5 * ∛27.

To find the cubic root of 135, we can use the notation of "∛" or "^(1/3)" to represent the cubic root.

Let's evaluate each option:

1) 3√5: This is the correct answer. It represents the cubic root of 5.

2) 3^sqrt5: This notation is incorrect. "^" typically represents exponentiation, not roots.

3) 3 * root(5, 3): This is not the correct answer. It represents the product of 3 and the cube root of 5 raised to the power of 3.

4) 5 * root(27, 3): This is not the correct answer. It represents the product of 5 and the cube root of 27 raised to the power of 3, which is not equal to 135.

Therefore, the correct answer is 3√5, or the cubic root of 5.