With convection currents, heated material _____ from deep inside the Earth while cooler material _____.(1 point)


sinks, rises
sinks, rises

sinks, disappears
sinks, disappears

disappears, sinks
disappears, sinks

rises, sinks

rises, sinks

The correct answer is: rises, sinks

Convection is the transfer of heat through the movement of fluids (liquids or gases). In the case of convection currents within the Earth, heated material rises while cooler material sinks.

To arrive at this answer, we can use the principles of convection. When material inside the Earth's mantle gets heated, it becomes less dense and therefore rises towards the Earth's surface. As it reaches the surface, it can release its heat and cool down. Once cooled, it becomes denser and sinks back down to deeper parts of the Earth, creating a continuous cycle of rising and sinking.

Therefore, during convection, heated material rises while cooler material sinks inside the Earth.

With convection currents, heated material rises from deep inside the Earth while cooler material sinks.