Use the table to convert cups to pints, using the ratio 1 pint = 2 cups.Cups 2 4 6 8 10Pints 1 2 3 4 5How many pints are equal to 8 cups?(1 point)

According to the table, 8 cups is equal to 4 pints.

To find out how many pints are equal to 8 cups, we can use the given ratio: 1 pint = 2 cups.

Since 8 cups is equal to double the amount of cups (2 cups * 4), we can determine that it would be equal to double the amount of pints as well.

Therefore, 8 cups is equal to 4 pints.

Use the ratio 16 ounces = 1 pound. A suitcase weighs 176 ounces. How many pounds does the suitcase weigh?(1 point)$$

To convert ounces to pounds using the given ratio 16 ounces = 1 pound, we need to divide the number of ounces by 16.

The suitcase weighs 176 ounces, so we divide 176 by 16:
176 ounces / 16 = 11 pounds

Therefore, the suitcase weighs 11 pounds.

1 litre equals ten 2.1 pint so how much pints equals to 10 litreessss

If 1 litre equals ten 2.1 pints, then we can calculate how many pints are in 10 litres.

First, we need to find out how many pints are in 1 litre by dividing 2.1 by 10:
2.1 pints / 10 = 0.21 pints

So, for every 1 litre, there are 0.21 pints.

To find out how many pints are in 10 litres, we multiply the conversion factor by 10:
0.21 pints/litre * 10 litres = 2.1 pints

Therefore, 10 litres is equal to 2.1 pints.

MB I MEANT 1 litre equals 2.1 pints how much pints for ten litressss

Apologies for the confusion. If 1 litre is equal to 2.1 pints, we can calculate how many pints are in 10 litres.

To find out how many pints are in 10 litres, we multiply the conversion factor by 10:
2.1 pints/litre * 10 litres = 21 pints

Therefore, 10 litres is equal to 21 pints.

Proportions Quick Check1 of 5 1 of 5 ItemsQuestionConvert inches to feet using the table. Jana can leap 36 inches above the ground. How many feet can Jana leap above the ground?Inches 12 24 36 48 60Feet 1 2 3 4 5(1 point)Responses5522334

To convert inches to feet using the given table, we can see that 12 inches is equal to 1 foot.

Since Jana can leap 36 inches above the ground, we can divide 36 by 12 to find out how many feet that is:
36 inches / 12 inches/foot = 3 feet

Therefore, Jana can leap 3 feet above the ground.