After selecting a topic, choosing an organizational strategy, and brainstorming ideas, what is the next step in writing an informational text?(1 point)


writing body paragraphs
writing body paragraphs

choosing a good title
choosing a good title

writing an introduction
writing an introduction

creating an outline

writing an introduction

The next step in writing an informational text after selecting a topic, choosing an organizational strategy, and brainstorming ideas is creating an outline.

The correct next step in writing an informational text after selecting a topic, choosing an organizational strategy, and brainstorming ideas is to create an outline.

To create an outline, follow these steps:

1. Start with your main idea or thesis statement. This is the central argument or point that you want to convey in your text.
2. Organize your main ideas or arguments into logical sections. These will serve as the major headings in your outline.
3. Under each major heading, list supporting details or subpoints. These will provide further explanation or evidence for your main ideas.
4. Arrange your main ideas and supporting details in a logical order. This could be based on chronology, cause and effect, importance, or any other relevant organizational principle.
5. Make sure that each main idea or supporting detail is clear and concise in your outline. Use brief phrases or sentences to capture the key points.

Creating an outline helps you organize your thoughts and ensure that your writing has a logical structure. It serves as a roadmap for your essay and helps you stay focused on your main ideas. Once you have created an outline, you can proceed to writing the body paragraphs, where you will elaborate on each main idea and provide supporting evidence.