3. The _________________ is the thin layer of Earth's atmosphere where life exists. (1 point)


[Choice A] geosphere
[Choice A] geosphere

[Choice B] atmosphere
[Choice B] atmosphere

[Choice C] biosphere
[Choice C] biosphere

[Choice D] hydrosphere

Based on the options given, the correct answer is [Choice C] biosphere.

The correct answer is Choice C: biosphere. The biosphere refers to the thin layer of Earth's atmosphere where life exists.

To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate Choices A and D. The geosphere refers to the solid parts of Earth, such as rocks and soil, and the hydrosphere refers to all the water on Earth, including oceans, lakes, and rivers. These choices do not specifically refer to the layer of Earth's atmosphere where life exists.

Now, we are left with Choices B and C. To determine which of these options is the correct answer, we can look at their definitions.

The atmosphere refers to the layer of gases surrounding Earth, while the biosphere refers to the regions of the Earth where life exists. Since we are specifically looking for the layer of Earth's atmosphere where life exists, the correct answer is Choice C: biosphere.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is Choice C: biosphere.

The correct answer is [Choice C] biosphere.