Identify the choice that best describes the underlined phrase in each sentence.

The book on the table belongs to me.
(1 point)

adjective phrase

adverb phrase

appositive phrase

adjective phrase

The underlined phrase "on the table" in the sentence "The book on the table belongs to me." is an adjective phrase.

To identify the choice that best describes the underlined phrase in the sentence "The book on the table belongs to me," we need to determine the role of the underlined phrase.

In this sentence, the underlined phrase is "on the table." This phrase provides more information about the location of the book. To identify the appropriate choice, we can analyze the function of the phrase:

1. Adjective phrase: An adjective phrase modifies or describes a noun or pronoun. In this case, "on the table" does not describe the book itself; it simply provides information about its location. Therefore, this choice is not the best fit.

2. Adverb phrase: An adverb phrase modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb. While "on the table" does provide additional information, it does not modify the verb "belongs" or any other word in the sentence. Hence, this choice does not accurately describe the phrase.

3. Appositive phrase: An appositive phrase renames or re-identifies a noun or pronoun. In this case, "on the table" does not rename or re-identify the book; it simply tells us where it is positioned. Thus, this choice is not appropriate.

Based on the analysis, the underlined phrase "on the table" does not fit any of the given choices. It functions as a prepositional phrase indicating location.