Soil Quick Check

3 of 43 of 4 Items
Which phrase best describes soil?(1 point)

consolidated material that contains nutrient matter and bedrock
consolidated material that contains nutrient matter and bedrock

unconsolidated material that contains nutrient matter and bedrock
unconsolidated material that contains nutrient matter and bedrock

unconsolidated material that contains nutrient matter and weathered rock
unconsolidated material that contains nutrient matter and weathered rock

consolidated material that contains nutrient matter and weathered rock

unconsolidated material that contains nutrient matter and weathered rock

To answer this question, we need to understand the term "soil" and its characteristics. Soil is a mixture of organic matter, minerals, gases, liquids, and organisms that support plant life. It is formed through the weathering of rocks and the decomposition of organic materials over long periods of time.

Now let's look at the answer choices:

1. Consolidated material that contains nutrient matter and bedrock
2. Unconsolidated material that contains nutrient matter and bedrock
3. Unconsolidated material that contains nutrient matter and weathered rock
4. Consolidated material that contains nutrient matter and weathered rock

Based on our understanding of soil, we can eliminate options 1 and 4 because soil is typically unconsolidated and not consolidated.

Both options 2 and 3 mention unconsolidated material, which aligns with our understanding of soil. However, option 3 is the more accurate choice because soil is not just made up of bedrock but also contains weathered rock particles.

Therefore, the correct phrase that best describes soil is: "Unconsolidated material that contains nutrient matter and weathered rock."

The correct answer is:

unconsolidated material that contains nutrient matter and weathered rock.