What is 5/6 ÷ 6/7?

To divide fractions, we need to multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction.

The reciprocal of 6/7 is obtained by swapping the numerator and denominator: 7/6.

Therefore, 5/6 ÷ 6/7 is equal to (5/6) * (7/6).

Multiplying the numerators (5 * 7) gives us 35, and multiplying the denominators (6 * 6) gives us 36.

So, the final result is 35/36.

To solve the division problem 5/6 ÷ 6/7, you need to follow a few steps.

Step 1: Flip the second fraction. In this case, flip 6/7 to become 7/6.

Step 2: Multiply the first fraction by the flipped second fraction. Multiply the numerators (5 * 7 = 35) to get the new numerator, and multiply the denominators (6 * 6 = 36) to get the new denominator.

So, 5/6 ÷ 6/7 becomes 35/36.

Therefore, the answer to 5/6 ÷ 6/7 is 35/36.

To divide fractions, we can use the following equation:

a/b ÷ c/d = (a/b) x (d/c)

Now, let's solve the given division problem step-by-step:

1. Rewrite the problem as multiplication using the reciprocal of the second fraction:
5/6 ÷ 6/7 = 5/6 x 7/6

2. Multiply the numerators together:
(5 x 7) / (6 x 6) = 35/36

Therefore, the solution to 5/6 ÷ 6/7 is 35/36.