Which statement is an example of a good piece of evidence?

1. My family owns a dog
2. I believe our lock football team is the best.
3. In a recent study, only 12% of students enjoy volunteering
4. Yellow is a calming color

3. In a recent study, only 12% of students enjoy volunteering

The statement that is an example of a good piece of evidence is:

3. In a recent study, only 12% of students enjoy volunteering

The statement that can be considered a good piece of evidence is option 3: "In a recent study, only 12% of students enjoy volunteering." Here's how we can determine this:

When evaluating evidence, it's important to consider certain criteria such as reliability, relevance, and objectivity. Let's analyze each option based on these criteria:

1. "My family owns a dog": While this statement may be true for the person making the claim, it lacks relevance and objectivity regarding the topic being discussed. Therefore, it cannot be considered strong evidence.

2. "I believe our local football team is the best": This statement represents a personal opinion rather than factual evidence. It is subjective and lacks reliability and objectivity.

3. "In a recent study, only 12% of students enjoy volunteering": This statement provides a clear reference to a study, indicating reliability. It is relevant to the topic of student preferences for volunteering and offers an objective statistic, making it a strong piece of evidence.

4. "Yellow is a calming color": This statement represents an idea or belief rather than concrete evidence. It does not provide any reference or objective research to support the claim, therefore lacking reliability and objectivity.

By evaluating each option based on its relevance, reliability, and objectivity, it becomes evident that option 3 is the most appropriate and strong piece of evidence to support a claim or argument.