Over the past month a hairstylist has had 49 female clients and 21 male clients

In the past month, the hairstylist had a total of 49 + 21 = <<49+21=70>>70 clients.

To calculate the percentage of male and female clients, you need to determine the total number of clients and then find the ratio of male and female clients.

Step 1: Find the total number of clients:
Total clients = Number of male clients + Number of female clients
Total clients = 21 + 49
Total clients = 70

Step 2: Calculate the percentage of male clients:
Percentage of male clients = (Number of male clients / Total clients) * 100
Percentage of male clients = (21 / 70) * 100
Percentage of male clients = 30%

Step 3: Calculate the percentage of female clients:
Percentage of female clients = (Number of female clients / Total clients) * 100
Percentage of female clients = (49 / 70) * 100
Percentage of female clients = 70%

Therefore, the hairstylist had approximately 30% male clients and 70% female clients over the past month.

To determine the percentage of female clients the hairstylist had over the past month, you need to calculate the ratio of the number of female clients to the total number of clients and then convert it to a percentage. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Add the number of female clients and the number of male clients to get the total number of clients: 49 (female clients) + 21 (male clients) = 70 (total clients).

Step 2: Calculate the ratio of the number of female clients to the total number of clients: 49 (female clients) / 70 (total clients).

Step 3: Convert the ratio to a percentage by multiplying it by 100: (49 / 70) * 100 = 70%.

Therefore, the hairstylist had approximately 70% female clients over the past month.