Canada charges special taxes on U.S. cheese and butter brought across the U.S.-Canadian border. What type of trade barrier is this?(1 point)





opportunity cost
opportunity cost


The correct type of trade barrier for this situation is a tariff.

The type of trade barrier that Canada charges on U.S. cheese and butter brought across the U.S.-Canadian border is a tariff. A tariff is a tax or duty imposed on imported goods, making them more expensive and less competitive compared to domestic products. To determine the answer to this question independently, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the concept: Familiarize yourself with different types of trade barriers, such as tariffs, quotas, embargoes, and opportunity costs.
2. Read the question carefully: Pay attention to the specific details provided. In this case, it mentions that Canada charges special taxes on U.S. cheese and butter brought across the border.
3. Analyze the options: Evaluate each response choice and determine if it aligns with the situation described in the question.
4. Compare with your knowledge: Consider your understanding of tariffs and assess if it matches the situation of Canada imposing taxes on imported goods.
5. Select the correct answer: Choose the option that is most fitting based on your analysis. In this case, the correct answer is "tariff" because it represents the taxation on imported cheese and butter.