Asexual reproduction results in two organisms with(1 point)

the same DNA.

different parents.

different DNA.

the same parents

the same DNA.

Asexual reproduction results in two organisms with the same DNA.

The correct answer is: the same DNA.

To understand why asexual reproduction results in two organisms with the same DNA, we need to understand what asexual reproduction is.

Asexual reproduction is a type of reproduction where offspring are produced by a single parent without the involvement of gametes (sex cells) or the combination of genetic material from two parents.

In asexual reproduction, the parent organism can produce offspring through various methods, such as binary fission, budding, fragmentation, or spore formation. These methods involve the parent organism dividing or producing new individuals without the need for fertilization or the exchange of genetic material.

Since asexual reproduction involves a single parent organism, the genetic material (DNA) of the parent is typically identical or very similar to that of the offspring. This is because the offspring are produced through mitosis, where the parent's DNA is replicated and divided equally between the new individuals.

Therefore, asexual reproduction results in two organisms with the same DNA.