Multiple Choice Choose the compound inequality that represents each phrase. All real numbers that are less than –3 or greater than or equal to 5 (1 point) Responses x < –3 or x > 5 x < –3 or x > 5 x < 5 or x > –3 x < 5 or x > –3 x < –3 or x > 5 x < –3 or x > 5 x < –3 or x < 5 x < –3 or x < 5

The correct compound inequality that represents the phrase "All real numbers that are less than –3 or greater than or equal to 5" is:

x < –3 or x ≥ 5

Therefore, the correct response is: x < –3 or x ≥ 5.

The correct answer is: x < –3 or x > 5

To determine the correct compound inequality that represents the given phrase, we should break down the phrase into separate conditions and then combine them with the appropriate logical operator.

The phrase states two conditions:

1. "All real numbers that are less than –3"
2. "All real numbers that are greater than or equal to 5"

For the first condition, "All real numbers that are less than –3," we can write it as x < -3. This inequality represents all numbers that are smaller than -3.

For the second condition, "All real numbers that are greater than or equal to 5," we can write it as x >= 5. This inequality represents all numbers that are greater than or equal to 5.

Now, we need to combine these two conditions using the logical operator "or." The "or" operator implies that the solution can satisfy either of the conditions. So the correct compound inequality is:

x < -3 or x >= 5

Therefore, the corresponding option is:

x < -3 or x >= 5