In which sentence is the word my used as an interjection? (1 point) Responses My, what a beautiful suit you are wearing! My , what a beautiful suit you are wearing! My car almost went off the curvy road! My car almost went off the curvy road! Do not mess with any of my things! Do not mess with any of my things! I finally found my way out of the creepy house!

My, what a beautiful suit you are wearing!

To find the sentence in which the word "my" is used as an interjection, you can first understand what an interjection is. An interjection is a word or phrase that expresses strong emotion or surprise and is often followed by an exclamation mark. In this case, we are looking for a sentence where "my" is used like an exclamation.

Analyzing the options:

1. "My, what a beautiful suit you are wearing!" - This sentence uses "my" as an interjection because it expresses surprise or astonishment about the beauty of the suit. It is followed by an exclamation mark.

2. "My, what a beautiful suit you are wearing!" - This is the same sentence as option 1.

3. "My car almost went off the curvy road!" - Although this sentence contains the word "my," it is not used as an interjection, but rather as a possessive pronoun to indicate ownership of the car.

4. "Do not mess with any of my things!" - Similar to the previous sentence, "my" here is used as a possessive pronoun to show ownership. It is not expressing strong emotion or surprise.

5. "I finally found my way out of the creepy house!" - Again, "my" is used as a possessive pronoun to indicate ownership, rather than as an interjection.

Therefore, the sentence that uses "my" as an interjection is: "My, what a beautiful suit you are wearing!" (Option 1 or 2).

The sentence in which the word "my" is used as an interjection is:

"My, what a beautiful suit you are wearing!"