Question Alex works at his computer for several hours a day. He is careful to sit up straight at the computer with his feet on the floor and to keep his muscles relaxed, and stays off his computer after 6 p.m. For what kind of computer-related health problems is Alex still at risk? Select all that apply. (1 point) Responses musculoskeletal problems musculoskeletal problems vision problems vision problems sleep problems sleep problems headaches

musculoskeletal problems

vision problems
sleep problems

Alex is still at risk for the following computer-related health problems:

1. Musculoskeletal problems: Despite sitting up straight and keeping his muscles relaxed, long hours of computer use can still lead to strain and discomfort in the neck, shoulders, back, and wrists.

2. Vision problems: Even if Alex practices good posture and takes breaks, staring at a computer screen for extended periods can still cause eye strain, dryness, and other vision-related issues.

3. Sleep problems: Using the computer late into the evening can disrupt the sleep-wake cycle, making it harder for Alex to fall asleep and potentially affecting the quality of his sleep.

4. Headaches: Prolonged computer use can contribute to tension headaches, especially if Alex is not taking regular breaks and practicing proper ergonomics.

Therefore, the computer-related health problems that Alex is still at risk for are musculoskeletal problems, vision problems, sleep problems, and headaches.

To determine the computer-related health problems for which Alex is still at risk, we need to consider his current practices and potential areas of concern.

1. Musculoskeletal Problems: While Alex is being careful to sit up straight with his feet on the floor and keep his muscles relaxed, prolonged computer use can still lead to musculoskeletal problems. Sitting for several hours a day, even with proper posture, can result in strain or discomfort in the neck, shoulders, back, and wrists.

2. Vision Problems: Although the question mentions that Alex stays off his computer after 6 p.m., it does not indicate any specific measures he takes to reduce eye strain during computer use, such as using proper lighting, taking regular breaks, or adjusting screen brightness. These factors can contribute to the development of vision problems like eye strain, dry eyes, or blurred vision.

3. Sleep Problems: The fact that Alex stays off his computer after 6 p.m. suggests he is mindful of minimizing computer use close to bedtime, which is a positive step. However, the question does not provide information about other potential sleep-related factors, such as exposure to blue light from other electronic devices or maintaining a proper sleep routine.

4. Headaches: The question does not provide any information directly related to headaches. However, certain factors like eye strain, stress from extended computer use, or poor posture can contribute to headaches.

Based on the information provided in the question, the computer-related health problems for which Alex could still be at risk are: musculoskeletal problems, vision problems, and potential headaches. Sleep problems are not indicated to be a significant risk in this scenario.