Nearly 75% of canadas population lives near blank because of the temperate climate and many jobs found there.

A Hudson bay
B The Great Lakes
C Saskatchewan
D British Columbia

D British Columbia

B The Great Lakes

To determine the correct answer, we can look at the given information. The statement mentions that nearly 75% of Canada's population lives near a certain location due to the temperate climate and many jobs available there.

Let's analyze each option to see if it fits the given criteria:

A) Hudson Bay: While Hudson Bay is a significant body of water in Canada, it does not have a temperate climate, and the population density near it is relatively low.

B) The Great Lakes: The Great Lakes, which include Lake Ontario, Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Lake Superior, and Lake Michigan, are located on the border between Canada and the United States. However, the statement does not specify which side of the border the population lives near. Additionally, the area around the Great Lakes does not have a uniform temperate climate throughout.

C) Saskatchewan: Saskatchewan is a province located in the central part of Canada. While it offers various opportunities and has a temperate climate, it does not have a population density that matches the statement's claim of nearly 75%.

D) British Columbia: British Columbia is located on the westernmost part of Canada and is known for its diverse climate, which includes temperate regions. It also offers abundant job opportunities, especially in major cities like Vancouver and Victoria. Considering these factors, it is the most likely option.

Based on our analysis, option D) British Columbia is the best choice as it aligns with the statement's description of a temperate climate and ample job opportunities, attracting a significant portion of Canada's population.