Convert 24 gallons per hour to liters per min. There are about 3.78 liters in 1 gallon and 60 minutes in 1 hour.(1 point)


1.5 liters per minute
1.5 liters per minute

0.4 liters per minute
0.4 liters per minute

5,443.2 liters per minute
5,443.2 liters per minute

90.72 liters per minute

The correct conversion is 90.72 liters per minute.

To convert 24 gallons per hour to liters per minute, we need to use the conversion factors provided.

First, we know that there are about 3.78 liters in 1 gallon. So, to convert gallons to liters, we can multiply the number of gallons by 3.78.

24 gallons * 3.78 liters/gallon = 90.72 liters

Next, we know that there are 60 minutes in 1 hour. So, to convert hours to minutes, we can multiply the number of hours by 60.

1 hour * 60 minutes/hour = 60 minutes

Now, we can divide the number of liters by the number of minutes to get the liters per minute.

90.72 liters / 60 minutes = 1.512 liters per minute

Therefore, 24 gallons per hour is approximately equal to 1.512 liters per minute.

To convert from gallons per hour to liters per minute, we can use the conversion factors provided.

First, we convert from gallons to liters by multiplying by the conversion factor:
24 gallons/hour * 3.78 liters/gallon = 90.72 liters/hour

Next, we convert from hours to minutes by multiplying by the conversion factor:
90.72 liters/hour * (1 hour/60 minutes) = 1.512 liters/minute

Therefore, the conversion from 24 gallons per hour to liters per minute is approximately 1.512 liters per minute.