which of the following was the goal of reconquista?

to take back the holy land
to untie spain and portugal
to drive the muslims from spain
to drive the muslims out of the byzantine empire

The goal of the Reconquista was to drive the Muslims from Spain.

The goal of the Reconquista was to drive the Muslims from Spain.

The goal of the Reconquista was to drive the Muslims from Spain.

To find the answer to this question, you can either recall prior knowledge or conduct a simple search. In this case, if you are not familiar with the historical context of the Reconquista, you can easily find the answer by searching online. Using a search engine, you can type in "goal of the Reconquista" or "what was the purpose of the Reconquista." This will lead you to various sources and articles that provide detailed information about the topic. By skimming through these sources or reading them in more depth, you will discover that the main objective of the Reconquista was to drive the Muslims out of the Iberian Peninsula and reclaim Spain for the Christian kingdoms.