This is how to make El cartel plural in Spanish. **Think about rules when it ends in a consonant.(1 point) Responses Los cartels Los cartels Los carteles Los carteles La cartels La cartels El carteles

The correct answer is "Los carteles." In Spanish, when a word ends in a consonant, you generally add -es to make it plural. So, "el cartel" becomes "los carteles" in the plural form.

To make "El cartel" plural in Spanish, you need to follow the grammatical rules for forming plurals. In this case, since "cartel" ends in a consonant, the plural form is "los carteles."

Here's how you can arrive at that answer:

1. Identify the word you want to make plural. In this case, it is "cartel."

2. Take note of the last letter of the word. In this case, the last letter is "l".

3. Determine if the last letter is a consonant or a vowel. Since "l" is a consonant, we follow the rules for forming plurals with consonant endings.

4. For masculine words like "el cartel," you add "s" at the end to make it plural. So, "el cartel" becomes "los carteles."

Therefore, the correct plural form of "el cartel" is "los carteles."

To make "el cartel" plural in Spanish, you need to change the article "el" to "los" and the noun "cartel" to "carteles." Therefore, the correct plural form of "el cartel" is "los carteles."