Select the correct answer.

Which conjunctive adverb best connects the independent clauses in this sentence?

Justin was hungry for something sweet; _____, he wanted strawberries.


A. meanwhile

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the function of a conjunctive adverb and examine the independent clauses in the sentence.

A conjunctive adverb is a word that connects two independent clauses or two complete thoughts. It serves as a transitional word or a connector between the clauses, indicating the relationship between them.

In this sentence, the independent clauses are "Justin was hungry for something sweet" and "he wanted strawberries." We need to find a conjunctive adverb that shows the relationship between these two ideas.

Let's evaluate each option:

A. meanwhile: This conjunctive adverb indicates the idea of "at the same time" or "during the same period." It does not accurately reflect the relationship between the two clauses in the sentence, as it does not provide a clear indication of why Justin wanted strawberries.

B. namely: This conjunctive adverb means "specifically" or "that is to say." It serves to provide further explanation or clarification, indicating that Justin wanted strawberries in particular. Although it connects the independent clauses, it does not express a clear relationship between them.

C. similarly: This conjunctive adverb indicates that two things are alike or share similarities. It does not convey the intended relationship between the independent clauses in the given sentence.

D. finally: This conjunctive adverb signifies "after a long wait" or "at the end." It does not accurately reflect the relationship between the two clauses in the sentence.

Based on the evaluation above, none of the provided options are the most suitable conjunctive adverb for connecting the independent clauses in the sentence. A more appropriate conjunctive adverb would be "therefore" or "thus," as it indicates a cause-and-effect relationship between the hunger and the desire for strawberries.

The correct answer is B. namely.