What is an inciting incident? (1 point)

an event that serves as a turning point in the story
O an event that serves as closure after falling action
© an event that introduces conflict during rising action
an event that introduces characters or setting

C) An event that introduces conflict during rising action

The correct answer is: an event that introduces conflict during rising action.

The correct answer is: an event that introduces conflict during rising action (C).

To identify the correct answer, it helps to understand the key components of a story's structure. The inciting incident is an important element in the plot of a narrative. It is typically found during the rising action phase of the story.

The rising action is the part of the plot where the main conflict is developed and tension increases. It occurs after the exposition, where the characters and setting are introduced. The inciting incident is a specific event that disrupts the equilibrium and introduces the central conflict or problem. It serves as the catalyst that propels the story forward.

To find the correct answer, you can analyze the options given. Option A states that the inciting incident serves as a turning point in the story. While turning points are significant, they usually occur later in the narrative and often come after the inciting incident. Option B suggests that the inciting incident serves as closure after the falling action. However, the inciting incident's role is to create conflict and set events in motion, making this option incorrect. Option D suggests that the inciting incident introduces characters or setting, but this is not accurate as the inciting incident generally focuses on conflict rather than introducing characters or setting.

Therefore, the correct answer is option C - an event that introduces conflict during rising action, because it aligns with the purpose and timing of the inciting incident within a story's structure.