In Sumerian society, why were priests so important? (1 point)


People feared Sumerian priests because they were immune to Sumerian law 
People feared Sumerian priests because they were immune to Sumerian law 

They held sole authority over the Sumerian military
They held sole authority over the Sumerian military

Sumerian priests could help the city flourish by asking the gods for help 
Sumerian priests could help the city flourish by asking the gods for help 

They were in charge of the civilization's water supplies and farming equipment 

They were in charge of the civilization's water supplies and farming equipment

The correct answer is: Sumerian priests could help the city flourish by asking the gods for help.

To arrive at this answer, you can eliminate the other options by understanding the role and significance of priests in Sumerian society.

First, let's address the incorrect options:

- People feared Sumerian priests because they were immune to Sumerian law: This statement is likely not true. Sumerian laws applied to all members of society, including priests. While priests held special religious roles, they were not above the law.

- They held sole authority over the Sumerian military: This statement is incorrect. The Sumerian military was separate from the religious institutions, and while priests may have had some involvement in religious rituals related to warfare, they did not hold sole authority over the military.

- They were in charge of the civilization's water supplies and farming equipment: This statement is also not accurate. While priests played a role in religious ceremonies related to agriculture and water, they were not directly in charge of managing such resources.

Now, let's focus on the correct answer:

- Sumerian priests could help the city flourish by asking the gods for help: In Sumerian society, religion played a central role, and priests served as intermediaries between the people and the gods. They performed rituals, made offerings, and conducted ceremonies to seek the favor and blessings of the gods. These blessings were believed to bring prosperity, fertility, and protection to the city. Therefore, the priests' ability to communicate with the gods and request their assistance made them important figures in the society's well-being and growth.

By considering the functions and beliefs surrounding Sumerian priests, it becomes clear that their significance lay in their role as conduits between the people and the divine realm, able to seek celestial intervention for the benefit of the city.

Sumerian priests were important in the society for several reasons, including the fact that they could help the city flourish by asking the gods for help. They were believed to have a direct connection to the gods and were responsible for performing religious rituals and ceremonies. By appeasing the gods and offering sacrifices, the priests sought to ensure the well-being and prosperity of the city-state. Therefore, their role was crucial in maintaining the favor of the gods and ensuring the success and stability of the civilization.