How many gallons are in 12 quarts?

4 quarts = 1 gallon

12 quarts is equal to 3 gallons.

To convert quarts to gallons, you divide the number of quarts by 4 (since 4 quarts equal 1 gallon).

So, to find out how many gallons are in 12 quarts, you need to divide 12 by 4.

12 quarts ÷ 4 = 3 gallons

Therefore, there are 3 gallons in 12 quarts.

To find out how many gallons are in 12 quarts, you can use the conversion rate between quarts and gallons.

Since 4 quarts is equal to 1 gallon, you can divide 12 quarts by 4 to find the equivalent number of gallons.

12 quarts / 4 = 3 gallons

Therefore, there are 3 gallons in 12 quarts.

A hose fills a tub at a rate of 4 ounces per minute. How many pints per hour will the hose fill the tub?

16 ounces = 1 pint

60 minutes = 1 hour

(1 point)

To find out how many pints per hour the hose will fill the tub, you need to convert the rate from ounces per minute to pints per hour.

First, convert the rate from ounces per minute to ounces per hour:
4 ounces/minute * 60 minutes/hour = 240 ounces/hour

Next, convert the rate from ounces per hour to pints per hour:
240 ounces/hour / 16 ounces/pint = 15 pints/hour

Therefore, the hose will fill the tub at a rate of 15 pints per hour.

A printer can print 8 pages per minute. How many pages could the printer print in 1 hour?

60 minutes = 1 hour

(1 point)

To find out how many pages the printer can print in one hour, you need to multiply the number of pages printed per minute by the number of minutes in an hour.

The printer can print 8 pages per minute.

So, in one hour, which has 60 minutes, the printer can print:
8 pages/minute * 60 minutes/hour = 480 pages/hour.

Therefore, the printer can print 480 pages in one hour.

A pickleball moves at a speed of 100 miles per hour. What is the speed in feet per minute?

5,280 feet = 1 mile

60 minutes = 1 hou

To find the speed of the pickleball in feet per minute, you need to convert the speed from miles per hour to feet per minute.

First, convert the speed from miles per hour to feet per hour:
100 miles/hour * 5,280 feet/mile = 528,000 feet/hour

Then, convert the speed from feet per hour to feet per minute:
528,000 feet/hour / 60 minutes/hour = 8,800 feet/minute

Therefore, the speed of the pickleball is 8,800 feet per minute.

A speed limit in Europe is 80 km per hour. What is the speed in miles per hour? There are about 1.6 kilometers in 1 mile. (1 point)
