write a paragraph of 3-5 sentences that use transitions to show a cause and effect relationship between ideas

Due to the heavy rainfall during the night, the streets were flooded in the morning. Consequently, traffic came to a standstill as cars struggled to navigate through the waterlogged roads. As a result, commuters were late to their workplaces, causing productivity to decrease significantly for the day.

The heavy rain caused the streets to flood, leading to traffic congestion throughout the city. As a result, many people were late for work or appointments. In addition, the flooded roads also caused accidents and delays in emergency services. Overall, the cause of the heavy rain created a chain reaction of negative effects that disrupted the daily routines of many individuals and negatively impacted the overall functioning of the city.

To create a paragraph that demonstrates a cause and effect relationship between ideas, you can use transitional words and phrases. For instance, "because," "as a result," "consequently," and "therefore" can all be utilized effectively. Take, for example, this paragraph: "The excessive use of smartphones has led to a decline in face-to-face social interactions. Because people are increasingly immersed in their digital devices, they devote less time to personal conversations. As a result, individuals may experience a sense of isolation and reduced interpersonal skills. Consequently, the reliance on virtual communication platforms has ultimately caused a decline in real-life social connections. Therefore, it is crucial to strike a balance between online and offline interactions to maintain healthy relationships." In this paragraph, the transitions help establish a clear cause and effect relationship between smartphone usage and reduced face-to-face social interactions.