A mixture of gases is heated and rises to the top of its container. Which statement best explains this result?

Heated gases will have increased kinetic energy and decreased density.
Heated gases will have increased kinetic energy and increased density.
Heated gases will have decreased kinetic energy and increased density.
Heated gases will have decreased kinetic energy and decreased density.


Heated gases will have increased kinetic energy and decreased density.

The correct statement that best explains the result is: a) Heated gases will have increased kinetic energy and decreased density.

When gases are heated, their particles gain energy and move faster, resulting in an increase in their kinetic energy. This increased kinetic energy causes the gas particles to move apart from each other, leading to an expansion of the gas volume and a decrease in density. Consequently, the heated gas will rise to the top of its container, as it is less dense than the surrounding cooler gas.

To determine the correct statement, let's analyze the behavior of gases when they are heated. When gases are heated, their molecules gain kinetic energy, which causes them to move more rapidly. This increase in kinetic energy results in the gases expanding and becoming less dense. So, the correct statement is:

a) Heated gases will have increased kinetic energy and decreased density.