What is the best explanation for why Google the highest valued company in 2015 only 10 percent of the employees that AT&T had when it was the most valued company in 1964?

Employees work much longer hours today, so fewer numbers are needed
New technology allows employees to complete tasks more efficiently than before
AT&T was dedicated to creating jobs and had more positions available for this reason
Google employees are more efficient that AT&T employees were at the time

The most plausible explanation for the difference in employee numbers between Google in 2015 and AT&T in 1964 is that new technology allows employees to complete tasks more efficiently than before. This means that fewer employees are needed to accomplish the same amount of work. Technological advancements, such as automation and digitalization, have enabled companies like Google to streamline operations and improve productivity, reducing the need for a large workforce. Additionally, it is worth noting that Google operates in a different industry and business model compared to AT&T in the 1960s. Google primarily focuses on technology and digital services, which may require a different skill set and organizational structure, further influencing their employee numbers.

The best explanation for why Google, the highest valued company in 2015, had only 10 percent of the employees that AT&T had when it was the most valued company in 1964 is that new technology allows employees to complete tasks more efficiently than before.

In 1964, AT&T was primarily a telecommunications company that required a large number of employees to handle manual tasks such as telephone operations and maintenance. The technology at the time was not as advanced, which resulted in a need for a larger workforce.

Fast forward to 2015, Google is an information technology company that heavily relies on computer and software technologies. This advancement in technology allows Google employees to complete tasks more efficiently and handle a larger workload with fewer employees.

Additionally, the nature of work has changed over time. Employees today often work longer hours and have access to tools and systems that help streamline their work processes. This increased efficiency reduces the need for a large number of employees, as smaller teams can accomplish more in less time.

It is important to note that this explanation does not imply that Google employees are more efficient than AT&T employees were at the time. Rather, it highlights that advancements in technology have led to increased productivity and a reduced need for a large workforce.

The explanation for why Google, the highest valued company in 2015, had only 10 percent of the employees that AT&T had when it was the most valued company in 1964 could be understood by considering several factors.

First, it is important to note that technological advancements have significantly changed the way businesses operate. One key factor is the development of new technologies that have increased the efficiency and productivity of employees. Google, being a technology company, heavily relies on automation, advanced algorithms, and software tools to streamline operations. This allows fewer employees to accomplish tasks that would have required a larger workforce in the past.

Additionally, the nature of work has evolved over the years. With advancements in communication technology and the rise of remote work, employees are now able to work longer hours and handle tasks from anywhere in the world. This flexibility has reduced the need for as many employees in traditional office-based roles.

It is also worth noting that AT&T, being a telecommunications company, required a significant number of employees to support a vast physical infrastructure. In contrast, Google operates primarily in the digital realm and does not require the same level of physical presence. This fundamental difference in their business models contributes to the disparity in employee numbers.

Lastly, company strategies and priorities play a role in the employment numbers. AT&T, as a major employer and a significant contributor to the economy, focused on creating jobs and providing employment opportunities. On the other hand, Google's emphasis may be more on efficiency and profitability, which can be achieved through fewer, highly skilled employees.

In summary, the lower number of Google employees compared to AT&T can be attributed to a combination of technological advancements, changes in work patterns, differences in business models, and strategic priorities.