A student is moving,boxes. Box A and box B are the same size and shape. The student can lift box A, but not box B. What is the difference between the boxes? (1 point)

A. Box B has more mass and takes more force to lift.

B. Box B has more mass and takes less force to lift.

C. Box B has more mass and takes more friction to lift.

D. Box A has more mass and takes less friction to lift.

The correct answer is B. Box B has more mass and takes less force to lift.

The correct answer is A. Box B has more mass and takes more force to lift.

To determine the difference between the boxes, we need to understand the concepts of mass, force, and friction.

Mass is the measure of the amount of matter in an object. It determines the inertia and how much force is required to accelerate the object.

Force, measured in Newtons, is a push or pull that can change the state of motion of an object. In this case, it refers to the force needed to lift the boxes.

Friction is the resistance encountered when two surfaces rub against each other. It acts opposite to the direction of motion and depends on factors such as the nature of the surfaces and the force pressing them together.

Given that the student can lift box A but not box B, we can deduce that there is a difference in either the mass, force required, or friction involved.

Now, let's analyze the options provided:

A. Box B has more mass and takes more force to lift. This statement suggests that the heavier box requires a greater force to be lifted. However, in the question, it is mentioned that the student can lift box A, implying that box B cannot be heavier since both boxes are described as the same size and shape. Therefore, option A can be eliminated.

B. Box B has more mass and takes less force to lift. This statement contradicts the question's information by proposing that box B is heavier but easier to lift. Since box B cannot be heavier, we can eliminate option B.

C. Box B has more mass and takes more friction to lift. This statement implies that friction plays a role in the student's ability to lift the boxes. However, friction would not prevent the student from lifting box B if both boxes have the same size and shape. Therefore, option C is not valid.

D. Box A has more mass and takes less friction to lift. This statement suggests that box A is lighter and encounters less friction when being lifted. Since the student can actually lift box A, this option aligns with the information given and explains the difference between the boxes. Thus, option D is the correct answer.