Article 1 informs readers about the benefits of hand washing, and Article 2 persuades readers to wash their hands more. Given this information, which method of writing is different between the two articles? (1 point)

A. tone
B. topic
C. purpose for writing
D. text organization

C. purpose for writing

C. purpose for writing

The method of writing that is different between the two articles is C. purpose for writing.

To determine this, we need to understand the purpose of each article. Article 1 informs readers about the benefits of hand washing. It likely presents facts, statistics, and scientific evidence to educate readers about the importance of hand washing for personal hygiene and health.

On the other hand, Article 2 persuades readers to wash their hands more. Its purpose is to convince or influence the readers to change their behavior and adopt the habit of hand washing. It may use persuasive language, emotional appeals, or personal anecdotes to make a case for why washing hands is crucial.

Therefore, the difference in purpose between the two articles indicates that the method of writing, specifically the objective of the author, varies between them.