Change 3/5 to terminating decimals

To convert 3/5 to a terminating decimal, divide the numerator (3) by the denominator (5):

3 ÷ 5 = 0.6

Therefore, 3/5 as a terminating decimal is 0.6.

To change a fraction like 3/5 to a terminating decimal, you can divide the numerator (the top number) by the denominator (the bottom number). Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Divide 3 by 5.
5 ÷ 3 gives us 0.6.

Therefore, 3/5 as a terminating decimal is 0.6.

To change the fraction 3/5 to a terminating decimal, you need to divide 3 by 5. Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. Divide the numerator (3) by the denominator (5): 3 ÷ 5.

Since 5 does not divide evenly into 3, you'll have to add a decimal point and continue dividing.

2. Add a decimal point after the 3: 3. ÷ 5.

3. Since we're working with decimals, it's helpful to multiply the denominator by 10 to move the decimal point to the right. Multiply both the numerator and denominator by 10: (3. ÷ 5) × 10.

This changes the fraction to 30 ÷ 50.

4. Divide the numerator (30) by the denominator (50): 30 ÷ 50.

Again, since 50 does not divide evenly into 30, add a decimal point and continue dividing.

5. Add a decimal point after the 30: 30. ÷ 50.

6. Multiply both the numerator and denominator by 10, once again, to move the decimal point to the right: (30. ÷ 50) × 10.

This changes the fraction to 300 ÷ 500.

7. Divide the numerator (300) by the denominator (500): 300 ÷ 500.

8. Simplify the fraction if possible. In this case, since both 300 and 500 are divisible by 100, you can divide both by 100:

300 ÷ 100 = 3, and 500 ÷ 100 = 5.

So, the terminating decimal equivalent of 3/5 is 0.6.