Choose the answer that best matches the word in italics. To make sure the groceries would last the entire week, the troop leader gave each camper a daily ration of food. (1 point) Responses meal meal menu menu expense expense portion


The answer that best matches the word in italics is "portion."

To find the answer, we need to identify which of the given options best matches the word "ration" in the sentence.

The word "ration" refers to a fixed amount of food that is given out to people in order to ensure fair distribution and to ensure it lasts a specific period of time.

Looking at the options provided:

- "Meal" refers to a single instance of eating.
- "Menu" refers to a list of choices for a particular meal.
- "Expense" refers to the cost or amount of money spent on something.
- "Portion" refers to a part of a whole.

Out of these options, the one that best matches the meaning of "ration" in the sentence is "portion." A daily portion of food means a specific amount of food allotted for each day.

Therefore, the correct answer is "portion."