Why is it important to address opposing arguments when writing an argument?(1 point)


It convinces people that you have done a lot of research on your topic.
It convinces people that you have done a lot of research on your topic.

It shows why the opposing argument should not be considered by your readers.
It shows why the opposing argument should not be considered by your readers.

It strengthens your claim because you have a chance to explain why it is invalid.
It strengthens your claim because you have a chance to explain why it is invalid.

It shows that your opinion on the topic is the best opinion.
It shows that your opinion on the topic is the best opinion.

It strengthens your claim because you have a chance to explain why it is invalid.

The correct answer is:

It strengthens your claim because you have a chance to explain why it is invalid.

Addressing opposing arguments in your writing helps to strengthen your own claim by providing a counterargument and explaining why it is invalid or flawed. It shows that you have considered different perspectives and have thought critically about the topic. By addressing opposing arguments, you can further support the validity and credibility of your own argument.

The correct response is:

It strengthens your claim because you have a chance to explain why it is invalid.

When writing an argument, it is important to address opposing arguments for several reasons:

1) It demonstrates thorough research: Addressing opposing arguments shows that you have taken the time to consider different perspectives and have conducted comprehensive research on the topic. This adds credibility to your argument and convinces readers that you have a well-informed and objective viewpoint.

2) It shows the weaknesses in the opposing argument: By addressing opposing arguments, you have the opportunity to deconstruct them and expose their flaws. This allows you to highlight any logical fallacies, faulty reasoning, or lack of evidence in the opposing viewpoint. By doing so, you strengthen your own argument by highlighting why the opposing argument is invalid or less convincing.

3) It anticipates potential counterarguments: By addressing opposing arguments, you can preemptively respond to potential counterarguments that readers might have. This helps you anticipate and counter any objections or doubts your audience may have, making your argument more persuasive.

4) It promotes intellectual honesty: Engaging with opposing arguments demonstrates intellectual honesty and open-mindedness. It shows that you are willing to consider alternative perspectives and engage in a respectful and balanced discussion. This is important in fostering critical thinking and encouraging readers to approach the topic with a similar mindset.

In summary, addressing opposing arguments in your writing helps strengthen your claim by demonstrating thorough research, highlighting weaknesses in the opposing argument, anticipating counterarguments, and promoting intellectual honesty.