Which step in the policy-making process involves coming up with an idea or solution? (1 point)

• implementation
• agenda setting
• evaluation
• formulation


The step in the policy-making process that involves coming up with an idea or solution is formulation.

The step in the policy-making process that involves coming up with an idea or solution is called formulation. To understand this, let's break down the policy-making process into its different steps:

1. Agenda setting: During this step, the issues or problems that require attention are identified and prioritized. This typically involves the identification, analysis, and discussion of different policy concerns.

2. Formulation: In this step, policy options or ideas are developed to address the identified issues. This entails gathering relevant information, conducting research, and analyzing potential solutions. It is during this step that policymakers brainstorm and develop specific ideas or solutions for consideration.

3. Implementation: After the formulation stage, the selected policy option is put into action. This involves the translation and execution of the chosen policy, which may include enacting laws, allocating resources, or creating new programs.

4. Evaluation: The final step involves assessing the effectiveness and impact of the implemented policy. Evaluation helps policymakers determine if the policy has achieved its intended objectives and if any adjustments or modifications are needed.

In summary, the step in the policy-making process that is focused on developing an idea or solution to address an issue is called formulation.