In 1-2 sentences, explain how Louis XIV created the illusion of absolute control and why that illusion might still have power today.

Louis XIV created the illusion of absolute control by centralizing power in the monarchy, maintaining a luxurious court, and controlling the narrative through artistic propaganda, which might still have power today as people continue to be influenced by symbols of power and authority.

Louis XIV created the illusion of absolute control through the extravagant display of power, grand ceremonies, and centralized authority, which continues to hold power today as it exemplifies the concept of a strong and autocratic leader who dominates and controls every aspect of their domain.

Louis XIV created the illusion of absolute control through his lavish court rituals, strict centralization of power, and the construction of the Palace of Versailles, and this illusion might still have power today because it showcases the ability of a leader to project an image of dominance and authority, inspiring admiration and obedience from the masses.