Powers of the Government

delegated powers
• Regulating interstate trade
• Regulating currency
• Regulating foreign trade
• Regulating military

concurrent powers
• Power to tax
• Power to enforce laws
• Power to punish awbreakers

reserved powers
• Protecting public health and safety
• Control over education

In this graphic organizer, which of the following is the best example of a power given to the national government?
(1 point)
• the power to tax
• the power to enforce laws
• the power to negotiate treaties
• the primary power to protect public safety

The best example of a power given to the national government in the given graphic organizer is the power to negotiate treaties. To understand this, we need to examine the three categories of government powers mentioned: delegated powers, concurrent powers, and reserved powers.

Delegated powers are those powers explicitly given to the national government by the Constitution. In the graphic organizer, examples of delegated powers include regulating interstate trade, regulating currency, regulating foreign trade, and regulating the military. These powers are specifically assigned to the national government.

Concurrent powers are powers shared by both the national and state governments. Examples in the graphic organizer include the power to tax, the power to enforce laws, and the power to punish lawbreakers. While both levels of government can exercise these powers, they typically do so independently within their respective jurisdictions.

Reserved powers are powers not granted to the national government and not denied to the states. Examples in the graphic organizer include protecting public health and safety and control over education. These powers are left to the individual states to handle as they see fit.

Looking at the options provided, the power to negotiate treaties falls under delegated powers. This power is explicitly granted to the national government in the Constitution, as it involves foreign affairs and international agreements. Therefore, the correct answer to the question is "the power to negotiate treaties."

The best example of a power given to the national government is the power to negotiate treaties.