Which of the following describes a stressed syllable

A. The root word
B. The part of a word that is silent
C. The first letter of a word
D. The part of a word pronounced with force

D. The part of a word pronounced with force

D. The part of a word pronounced with force

The correct answer is D. The stressed syllable is the part of a word that is pronounced with force or emphasis. To identify the stressed syllable in a word, you can follow these steps:

1. Break the word into syllables: Identify all the individual sounds or units within the word. A syllable is a single unit of sound that contains a vowel sound.

2. Determine the vowel sounds: Pay attention to the vowels within the word. Vowels are the sounds that make up the core of a syllable. They include the letters a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes y.

3. Analyze the pronunciation: Listen to the word and notice how you naturally say it. Often, one syllable in a word will be emphasized or pronounced more forcefully than the others. This is the stressed syllable.

To practice identifying stressed syllables, you can try pronouncing words out loud or breaking them down into syllables. Over time, you'll become more familiar with the patterns and stress patterns in different words.