Which of the following was one contribution Muslim mathematicians made to today's world?

(1 point)

a widely used system of numerals

a widely used system of numerals

advanced trigonometry

advanced trigonometry

the Pythagorean theorem

the Pythagorean theorem

a system of negative numbers

a system of negative numbers

a widely used system of numerals.

Muslim mathematicians made the contribution of a widely used system of numerals.

One contribution that Muslim mathematicians made to today's world is a widely used system of numerals.

To get the answer to this question, we can analyze the options provided and consider the historical context of Muslim contributions to mathematics. Muslim scholars greatly contributed to the field of mathematics during the Islamic Golden Age, which spanned from the 8th to the 14th century. They built upon the knowledge of ancient civilizations, such as the Greeks and Indians, and made significant advancements.

Option A states that Muslim mathematicians contributed to a widely used system of numerals. This refers to the decimal numeral system, also known as the Hindu-Arabic numeral system, which uses ten digits (0-9) to represent numbers. Muslim scholars played a crucial role in the transmission and development of this numerical system, which eventually became the most commonly used numeral system worldwide.

Option B mentions advanced trigonometry. While Muslim mathematicians did indeed make advancements in trigonometry, this option is not the specific contribution they made to today's world.

Option C refers to the Pythagorean theorem, which is a mathematical principle attributed to the ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras. While Muslim mathematicians certainly studied and applied the Pythagorean theorem, they did not contribute to it, as it predates the Islamic Golden Age.

Option D suggests a system of negative numbers. However, the concept of negative numbers predates the Islamic Golden Age, with evidence of their use in ancient civilizations like the Babylonians. While Muslim mathematicians certainly contributed to various mathematical concepts, the specific contribution of a system of negative numbers is not attributed to them.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is Option A: Muslim mathematicians made a significant contribution to today's world with a widely used system of numerals.