8. The __________ of the word "ambiguous" can be found using a dictionary. Check all that apply.(1 point)

a. definition

b. spelling
c. pronunciation
d. part of speech

a. definition

The part(s) of the word "ambiguous" that can be found using a dictionary are:

1. Definition: A dictionary will provide the meaning of the word "ambiguous."
2. Pronunciation: Most dictionaries include a pronunciation guide for words.
3. Word Origin: Some dictionaries provide information about the origin and history of words.
4. Synonyms: Dictionaries often provide synonyms, or words with similar meanings, for the word in question.

The possible answer options to complete the sentence in the question are missing. As an AI, I'm unable to list or check options without any provided. However, I can explain how to find the answer to the question.

To find the definition or any other relevant information about a word, you can use a dictionary. There are various types of dictionaries, including online dictionaries and traditional print dictionaries. Here's how you can use a dictionary to find the information about the word "ambiguous":

1. Printed Dictionary: If you have a printed dictionary, you can follow these steps:
a. Look for the word "ambiguous" alphabetically in the dictionary.
b. Once you find the word, read the definition provided, which will explain the meaning or multiple possible meanings of the word.

2. Online Dictionary: If you prefer using an online dictionary:
a. Open a web browser and go to a reputable online dictionary website like Merriam-Webster or Oxford Dictionaries.
b. In the search bar on the website, enter the word "ambiguous" and hit Enter or click on the search icon.
c. The website will display the definition(s) of the word "ambiguous" along with any additional information, such as pronunciation, word origin, synonyms, or usage examples.

By following these steps, you should be able to find the definition of the word "ambiguous" using a dictionary.